It is well worth noting that Aruba is the dream of every vacationer. Aruba is home to approximately 100,000 people that represent over 40 nationalities. There are several hundred years of art, history and culture under its belt. Aruba is a happy, easy-going, proud, welcoming and sun-loving island where visitors always come back for more. Welcome to the country of Aruba. Now let's get to know something of this island's culture.
If you are a guest in Aruba, you will not get tired of visiting its many art galleries and museums. You will easily see why Aruba has its own unique identity. Aruba's literature, which is flecked by nostalgia, speaks of a modern spirit. Now let's talk a little about the Aruban flag. The adoption of the flag took place on March 18, 1976, and the official anthem is entitled Aruba Dushi Tera. This date is significant because Holland accepted the right of Arubato choose to have independent status with regards to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Aruban flag consists of four colors: Larkspur blue, bunting yellow, white and Union Jack red. The blue signifies the sea that surrounds the island of Aruba; yellow is significant with abundance which not only represents the island's past but its industries of aloe, gold and oil; red signifies the love that every Aruban has for the country as well as the very old industry of Brazilwood; and white not only is significant of the snow-white beaches of this pristine country but it also speaks of the pure hearts that the Aruban people have as they strive for order, justice and liberty.
The red star signifies the compass's four points symbolizing that this island nation has drawn people from all over the globe. The star is also a symbol of Aruba which is surrounded by a crystal blue sea. The yellow stripes signify the free and independent position that Arubahas within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
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